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Little Miss Box Set - Childrens Books

Little Miss Box Set

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First developed in 1981, Little Miss Characters are Roger Hargreaves accompaniment to his original famous Mr Men series.

This Limited Edition Little Miss Box Set includes 33 paperback Little Miss Books penned by Roger Hargreaves before his premature death in 1988. They will keep all Little Miss fans delighted for hours and includes full colour illustrations.

These books are ideal for younger children due to the large number of pictures and easy to follow stories. The Little Miss collection is also an excellent learning tool for children who are learning to read.

Fantastic value and beautifully presented, the Little Miss Box Set is an ideal gift and features all your favourite Little Miss stories, including all those shown further down this page.

The Little Miss Box Set makes a fun, educational Christmas present that will be enjoyed for years to come.

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Little Miss Bossy

Little Miss Bossy is the first book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Bossy is very bossy (hence her name) and she is as rude as Mr Uppity, so she is given a pair of boots which have a mind of their own - they don't listen to her, because she is too bossy!

Little Miss Brainy

Little Miss Brainy is the 26th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Brainy always has something smart to say.

Little Miss BooksLittle Miss Busy

Little Miss Busy is the 22nd book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Busy is a hyperactive Miss - she always has something to do.

Little Miss Chatterbox

Little Miss Chatterbox is the 16th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Chatterbox talks a lot, just like her brother, Mr Chatterbox. Little Miss Chatterbox is a character in the 2008 TV series The Mr Men Show. She keeps her looks and, as usual, she never shuts up. She annoys Mr Grumpy, Mr Stubborn and Mr Rude with her talking. Her house is on top of a hill, and shaped like a telephone. In the US and UK versions, she is voiced by Katie Leigh and Teresa Gallagher respectively.

Little Miss Calamity

Little Miss Calamity is a Little Miss character created for exclusively for the first series of The Mr Men Show. Little Miss Calamity is almost always in trouble. Usually the trouble starts with some normal activity, which invariably goes terribly wrong. Her catchphrase is "What a calamity!"

Little Miss Contrary

Little Miss Contrary is the 21st book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Contrary always says the opposite of what she really means. She lives in Muddleland.

Little Miss Curious

Little Miss Curious is the 28th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Curious wants to know everything. In the second season of The Mr Men Show, Little Miss Curious kept her looks (except for her yellow nose and freckles). Her bow resembles Little Miss Whoops' (except it is blue) and her shape is changed from oval to square.

Little Miss Dotty

Little Miss Dotty is the 17th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Dotty is just plain dotty. She lives in Nonsenseland (where Mr Silly and Mr Nonsense live), and has some pretty dotty ideas of her own.

Little Miss Fickle

Little Miss Fickle is the 20th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Fickle always has trouble making up her mind.

Little Miss Fun

Little Miss Fun is the 29th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Fun loves to have fun all day, every day.

Little Miss Giggles

Little Miss Giggles is the 14th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Giggles is blue with freckles, a yellow nose, red hair and yellow barettes. Little Miss Giggles can't stop giggling - she giggles so much that she makes everyone else giggle too. Little Miss Giggles seems to have a connection with Mr Funny and Mr Happy. Once during her daily walk she loses her giggle, meets Mr Happy and they go to Dr Makeyouwell. To solve the problem, Mr Happy gives Little Miss Giggles a "giggle".

She appeared in The Mr Men Show in season two and was voiced by Reba West in the US version and Claire Morgan in the UK. She looked exactly as she did in the books (except for being a darker shade of blue), and sometimes her giggling got out of control.

Little Miss Greedy

Little Miss Greedy is the 13th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Greedy has the same appetite as her cousin, and has a really large breakfast.

Little Miss Greedy was originally published under the title of Little Miss Plump, following Roger Hargreaves' death the name was changed, perhaps due to fears that "plump" was too offensive. Part of the story was also altered.

Little Miss Helpful

Little Miss Helpful is the 7th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Helpful tries to help everyone, but ends up making everything worse. She tries to tie Mr Tall's shoelaces, and ends up tying both shoes together. Then she tries to help Mr Happy when he is sick by getting the cleaning supplies, but her head gets stuck in the bucket and she is trapped in the refrigerator. Mr Happy tries to pull the bucket off Miss Helpful's head, only to have her go flying into the lake.

In the 2008 TV series, The Mr Men Show, Little Miss Helpful had a makeover. She kept her personality, color and shape. However, the pigtails replaced her mini-buns, she had green bows on her newly-red hair and wore a green fanny pack. Her shoes were changed (similar to Miss Chatterbox's, but green), and her nose changed from yellow to pink. Her catchphrase was, "Just trying to be helpful!" Unlike her print character she actually gives helpful information, but it is sometimes misleading or told at the wrong time. Little Miss Helpful speaks with a Southern accent.

Little Miss Late

Little Miss Late is the 11th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Late is late for everything, and can't find a job. She tries to work in a bank, but by the time she gets there the bank has closed. She tries to be a secretary for Mr Uppity, but he goes home late. She finally gets a job as a housemaid for Mr Lazy, because he does things at the wrong time.

Little Miss Lucky

Little Miss Lucky is the 18th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Lucky lives in Horseshoe Cottage, on top of a hill. She settles in bed with a book she has bought. Then she hears a knock at the door, and goes downstairs to answer it. She gets locked out of the house, a gust of wind blows her off her feet, and she lands on a haystack. A tree starts chasing her. She then wakes up to find out that it was all a dream, and that is why the story is called Little Miss Lucky.

Little Miss Magic

Little Miss Magic is the eighth book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Magic is the resident magician. Once, Little Miss Magic got out of bed and told her toothpaste tube to squeeze. Then Mr Happy came over (looking exactly the opposite) to complain about Mr Tickle, because he was tickling all the time. Little Miss Magic shrank Mr Tickle's arms and told him to come to her house the next day. When Mr Tickle came over she said, "One tickle a day" (meaning on Mr Happy). Unfortunately for her, Mr Tickle used his "one tickle a day" on her instead.

She appeared on The Mr Men Show (season two). She kept her goldish color, round body, yellow nose and brown hair, a black top- hat with a pink flower replaced her green striped bow, fuchsia clip-shoes with sparkles replaced her red sneakers and her freckles were gone. Her magic was also very defective - often producing unnecessary results (and sometimes side effects) at the most inappropriate times when a practical solution was needed (such as turning Little Miss Daredevil into a goat while trying to cure her of hiccups). She speaks with a decidedly Scottish accent, just like Mr Small. Her catchphrases are, "Sometimes my magic surprises even me!" and "Isn't it amazing?". On the Mr Men website she says, "Ta-da! Magic!"

Little Miss Naughty

Little Miss Naughty is the second book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Naughty loves to play practical jokes. She awakens one day, thinking it looks like a good day for being naughty. She knocks Mr Uppity's hat off his head, breaks Mr Clever's glasses, and strips Mr Bump of his bandages (placing them on Mr Small). The Mr Men hold a meeting to decide what to do. Mr Small meets with Mr Impossible (who can make himself invisible), each time Little Miss Naughty tries to do something naughty, Mr Impossible tweaks her nose and it cures Little Miss Naughty of her naughtiness.

In the 2008 TV series, The Mr Men Show, she kept her purple color and shape but now had curly pink hair, a dark-fuchsia nose, pink rosy cheeks (emphasizing her character trait) and her bow was a lighter shade of green. Her catchphrase was, "Sometimes I just can't help myself". Occasionally, her pranks backfire on her. She has a Romanian accent. In the US and UK versions, she is voiced by Alicyn Packard, Jo Wyatt (season one) and Teresa Gallagher (season two).

Little Miss Neat

Little Miss Neat is the third book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Neat is as neat as two pins, and lives in Twopin Cottage. When she goes on holiday, Mr Muddle comes to visit her empty house. He makes a cup of tea, putting everything back in the wrong place. When Little Miss Neat comes home she can't find anything, and when she sits in a chair she is pricked by forks, knives, and spoons that Mr Muddle placed there. Hargreaves tells the reader, "I don't think Little Miss Neat will be taking a holiday next year. Do you?".

Little Miss Quick

Little Miss Quick is the 23rd book in the Little Miss series. Like Mr Rush, Little Miss Quick is always in a hurry and did not even have time to finish tying a bow in her hair.

Little Miss Scary

Little Miss Scary is the 31st book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Scary enjoys scaring people, especially Mr Jelly. She has not, however, reckoned with Mr Jelly's friend Mr Noisy.

In the 2008 TV series, The Mr Men Show, Little Miss Scary kept her looks, except one of her spikes is gone and she is darker red. She is a regular character. She loves fear, has her own television show, Miss Scary's Late Night Scare Fest, and is assisted by Mr Bounce. Her house is a haunted house in the middle of the woods. She has a collection of assorted masks (which are modified in season two) which she uses to scare the other Mr Men and Little Misses, although they can frighten her as well. She has a scary snore (as seen in the episode, "Sleep"). Little Miss Scary snorts when she laughs.

Little Miss Scatterbrain

Little Miss Scatterbrain is the 12th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Scatterbrain is the least intelligent woman in the world - even less intelligent than Mr Dizzy. Little Miss Scatterbrain was also released as a follow-along audio book, featuring a show-tune-style musical number at the end. The character was also the subject of a PC CD-ROM learning game for children, called "The Adventures of Little Miss Scatterbrain".

Little Miss Shy

Little Miss Shy is the ninth book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Shy is blue with black hair, and has pink cheeks. Little Miss Shy is afraid of everything, and hardly goes out. She grows her own food in the garden. One day she receives an invitation to Mr Funny's party, and keeps changing her mind about whether or not to go. Then Mr Funny arrives and drags her to the party, she has fun and meets Mr Quiet, who used to be shy like her.

Little Miss Somersault

Little Miss Somersault is the thirtieth book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Somersault is incredibly agile. When she goes for a walk, she cartwheels instead. Instead of going through the front door, she climbs onto the roof first. Instead of sitting in a chair while eating her lunch, she balances on the back of it. She jumps over Mr Small's house, and talks on the telephone with one leg up. She gets the leaves off Mr Worry's roof, but he has the ladder. Little Miss Somersault doesn't need a ladder to climb up on the roof. Mr Skinny paints the roof of his house, Mr Bump bumps into the ladder (causing the paint to spill) but Mr Skinny is rescued by Miss Somersault. The next day, everyone has heard about her daring deeds. Mr Uppity calls her on the phone about the umbrella stuck in the chimney and expects her in five minutes. It takes no time to climb onto Mr Uppity's roof and get onto the chimney, but she is afraid of heights. Mr Tickle brings Miss Somersault back down, and looks for someone else to tickle. Someone talks to her on the phone about their hat which has blown off onto the roof, and her face turns pale because she does not want to climb. But it is Mr Small, relieved, off she somersaults.

Little Miss Splendid

Little Miss Splendid is the tenth book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Splendid lives in a mansion with a golden bathtub, and thinks she is better than everyone else. When she goes to town and sees a new hat in a store window that she thinks she simply must have, she buys it. When she is walking home and her friends ask her if she wants to take the bus, she refuses - but then it starts to rain, and her new hat is ruined.

Little Miss Star

Little Miss Star is the 19th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Star wants to be popular more than anything. She goes to see a man (we can only see his long legs, it is later revealed to be Roger Hargreaves), and the next day she walks past a shop window and sees her book (Little Miss Star, by Roger Hargreaves) in the window.

Little Miss Stubborn

Little Miss Stubborn is the 27th book in the Little Miss series. She is the most stubborn character of all in the Mr Men series. Sometimes it was good for Little Miss Stubborn to be stubborn. Once, she was told not to take the right fork in the path, she took it, but Mr Wrong actually meant not to take the left fork. Little Miss Stubborn (after a long journey with many stops in the wrong countries) ended up at Mr Strong's house and ate a gigantic omelette without his permission. Little Miss Stubborn is unstoppable, she doesn't know when to quit.

Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine is the fourth book in the Little Miss series. There was a king who lived in a castle in Miseryland. Little Miss Sunshine was on holiday. She saw a sign saying, "This way to Miseryland", so she went to Miseryland and saw a guard at the bridge door. Little Miss Sunshine gave the guard a big smile, he took her to see the King of Miseryland. She had an idea, and Little Miss Sunshine and the king went back to her car. She made a new sign saying, "Laughter Land", she laughed, and the king laughed too.

Little Miss Sunshine is a regular in the 2008 TV series The Mr Men Show. She kept her looks and personality (except her hair and nose changed from yellow to light tan) and ran a morning show called "Good Morning Dillydale" with Mr Happy. Her house was pink with a flowerbed, and flowers on the house as well. In the UK and US versions, she is voiced by Alicyn Packard, Jo Wyatt (season one) and Emma Tate (season two). Little Miss Sunshine's name and picture have been featured on many clothing designs, including track pants and sweaters.

Little Miss Tidy

Little Miss Tidy is the 25th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Tidy loves to keep things neat and clean.

Little Miss Tiny

Little Miss Tiny is the fifth book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Tiny isn't just small, she's tiny. Little Miss Tiny is tinier than Mr Small. Little Miss Tiny is picked on because she is so small. The story begins when Little Miss Tiny wakes up, exits the mouse hole, and explores outdoors. She gets frightened by the large animals but Mr Strong can hear her, and rescues her.

Little Miss Trouble

Little Miss Trouble is the sixth book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Trouble is a prankster like Mr Mischief. She uses Mr Uppity and Mr Clever to trick Mr Small, and Mr Small gets two unnecessary black eyes. Mr Small talks to Dr. Makeyouwell, Mr Small uses Mr Tickle and Mr Bump to trick Little Miss Trouble. They tickle and bump her and Little Miss Trouble gets a taste of her own medicine.

Little Miss Twins

Little Miss Twins is the 15th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Twins do everything in pairs, and say things twice. They live in Twoland. Little Miss Twins were inspired by Roger Hargreaves' twin daughters.

Little Miss Vain

Little Miss Vain is part of the Little Miss series. Little Miss Vain lives in Prettyville. Her beauty would make Little Miss Splendid jealous.

Little Miss Wise

Little Miss Wise is the 24th book in the Little Miss series. Little Miss Wise is always thinking. She is wise as an owl - possibly, two owls. Being so wise and sensible means that Little Miss Wise brushes her teeth every day, makes her bed every day, tidies her house every day, and does lots of other wise and sensible things. If you are as wise as Little Miss Wise, you will know just what kind of other things she does, among them, Little Miss Wise goes for a walk every day.

Below you can read some feedback from people who have already purchased this boxset.

"Our daughter absolutely loves these books and not a day goes by without us reading a few each to her. Thoroughly recommended!"

"This Little Miss collection is a must have for who is fan of children's books and of the Mr Men show."

"Having read these books to my children, I am now looking forward to sharing them with our grandchild."

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